Friday, February 25, 2011

Racism, Bigotry, and Prejudice within the Anti-Whaling and Animal Rights movements

The truth is, so-called "environmental" NGOs encourage this behavior. Hatred like this can be very contagious and there's a market for creating a black and white world where people pay to feel like they are on the "white" side. By perpetuating racism like this, NGOs can bring in a lot of donations and volunteers. 
Especially the kind of groups that believe Violence is an appropriate solution, such as Sea Shepherd.

I call this the Cycle of Hate.
Foment Racism --> Get $$$ --> Use $$$ to assault your target --> get in the media --> use media to foment racism --> rinse, wash, repeat.

It's very sad that many English-speaking media sources are willing to play along with this. 
Particularly those media in Australia should be ashamed of themselves. By now they should know that Paul Watson is a compulsive liar who uses Australian Nationalism and WWII rhetoric to incite racism, yet they continue to publish his statements entirely unchecked.

Some points:
- It seems most of these people are more obsessed with WWII than whales. 
- I don't think anyone who wants to drop nuclear warheads can call themselves an Environmentalist. They don't care about the environment at all, and such comments hint at baser motivations.
- Any Japanese who comments on this issue on Facebook are immediately derided. Today they are usually just deleted immediately. But here you can see some examples, where they are told to learn their history, to apologize for WWII, have their eyes mocked, have their accent (especially confusing 'l' and 'r') mocked, one is called "rin tin tin" implying she is a dog, and they hunt down the personal information and home address of another.

This entry may be periodically updated. As it stands now (25Feb2011) there are some 300 more images, taken almost exclusively from Sea Shepherd's cove guardian facebook page, which I have yet to upload. That page, all on its own, serves as a daily source of hatred, bigotry, and racism.
Furthermore, the images I have added today are only about 2/3rds of the ones I have uploaded. In other words, there is a near limitless amount of this bigoted filth.

To start, a short video synopsis with catchy music.
This should suffice for the "too long, didn't read" crowd:


  1. Comments from Facebook...

    Bill Kuhn They are so filled with hate that they have to find something to put all their anger at so it makes them look like they are good people so that they can sleep at night
    Friday at 7:26pm · LikeUnlike
    Neill Blake Glover I think it's mostly generic hate too -- they hate people, and Japanese are an easy group for them to stereotype and demonize.
    Friday at 7:32pm · LikeUnlike
    Lucy Flywheel The Sea Sheep boards are chocked-full of racial hatred, advocating kidnapping , posting personal photos of children, sending death threats over the phone as well as on e-mail and the list goes on.
    Friday at 9:09pm · LikeUnlike
    Chris Saksons See, thats the Trisha and Anton I got to know and love over the years. Of course I really miss Donny boy, wonder if his mom took his computer away.
    Yesterday at 7:46am · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading...
    Kurt Winston He still posts on the POA forum occasionally. Not even they are willing to put up with his shit, he has to be careful so's not to get booted from there too.
    Yesterday at 9:43am · LikeUnlike
    Doc Shanti
    Kurt – No worries about that, they pretty much stick together. Although, one of their numbers is giving them some shit about whaling in Iceland. It looks like he’s taken to posting on Ecorazzi to avoid getting banned from POA – he’s away at Animux of all people!

    Animux must be livid – he met someone who is for whaling but isn’t Japanese – he must be jumping up and down and turning circles like a mad dog!See More
    Yesterday at 9:54am · UnlikeLike · 3 peopleLoading...

  2. #
    Tricia Wiles
    NB - this isnt an invitation to be attacked & character assinated, please dont. I am happy to try to help convey my meaning and sate the differences based on levels of knowledge & awareness of the issue but if you're going to respond simply... for the fight or your personal need to give me grief, or Scott West style "fun" please dont.

    Things are not always quite as they seem, though I appreciate how they seem... Unfortunately so many aspects to communicatoin are lost on a keyboard like nuance, tone, humour, intent - context - etc so explaining will be difficult. Having more information makes a difference - a I am sure you can see - and to share what you know in a level headed way is the key. Based on the little info people have - ie "Japan whales in a sanctuary for commercaial gain under the guise of research" which is disseminated through the media - not necessarily SSCS - people are fair enough outraged. Not necessarily racist - juts outraged at something that is identifiable to one nation. There are lots of gaps, & I appreciate why its tiresome to keep on filling the gaps, but its really important it happens. You'll always get extremists (on both bides) but honestly its worth the effort. SSCS influences people that come to the cause through the media, so its the popular media that should be offering more balanced information. What I didnt know & how I felt then comoared to what I know now & how I resopnd - should speak volumes. But accusations, fighting etc really slowed down that process & I think its important for everyone to keep that in mind. I didnt even know who Paul Watson was until about a year ago! (oh to wind back the clock 2 years...)See More
    Yesterday at 3:36pm · LikeUnlike
    Peter J Testa Tricia, you're asking people here to play nice and turn the other cheek, when rabid cetacean huggers still come at us with both both barrels blazing for being 'those evil pro-whaling people.' People get what they give. Come in and attack and you will be attacked in turn. Come in spouting lies and AR rhetoric and you can expect to educated, perhaps gently, perhaps not. Come in and civilly join the discussion and you can expect to be treated civilly.
    Yesterday at 3:47pm · UnlikeLike · 4 peopleLoading...
    Tricia Wiles
    No I'm not Peter, I'm saying not everyone is a 'rabid cetacean huggers still come at us with both both barrels blazing for being 'those evil pro-whaling people'. In my experience being civil doesnt always attract civil treatment, because al...l people carry a bias against or towards others no? I have been well attacked myself Peter, my business too, so its not a one sided problem or trait... I'm saying when people are asking questions and stating what they know - whether they know enough or are unaware it is not totalitarian - maybe they really want more information. Of course those who are being whackjobs are a different kettle of fish, I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about ordinary people that are just outraged - I dont think ANY one when they first came to the issue knew then what they know now. Things are not always as they seem & I'm just trying to use my experience to maybe encourage better information sharing styles & reduce the possibility of things going pearshaped & getting worse. Thats all.See More
    Yesterday at 4:01pm · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading...
    Peter J Testa You're not making sense Tricia . . . 'ordinary people that are outraged.' Since when do people who are outraged behave civilly with people they believe are supporting the cause of their outrage?
    Yesterday at 4:07pm · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleLoading...

  3. #
    Steve Thorne
    As a focus of some of that kind of outrage, I must say civility and a quest for knowledge are not two things I would say most people with an opinion on seal hunting or whaling have.

    Sensible people give it up quickly when presented with fact...s and I think they genuinely feel bad for being scammed, but not always.See More
    Yesterday at 4:12pm · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
    Tricia Wiles Ordinary as in not SSCS. Ordinary people DO feel outrage Peter, its a perfectly common human emotion. I am suggesting that outrage is understood & taken on board: based on my own experience, I suggest that will shorten the time to convey all the gap fillers & ease the scission, rather than promote it. Please dont assume my thoughts are exclusively for the anti-sscs or prowhlaing set, I'm not popular in either camp for my take on the interactoin of all parties.
    Yesterday at 4:15pm · LikeUnlike
    Neill Blake Glover
    ‎"You'll always get extremists (on both bides"

    Why is it they always claim this is a 2-sided issue when it isn't?
    Worst you can say about me is that I'm some kind of "bully" because once I catch you in a lie I don't let go easily.
    I have, howe...ver, never made any racist statements. Never threatened anyone. Or any of the other kind of stuff of which I can provide infinite amount of sources.
    For over a year the FOJ page was a daily source of this vile trash.
    Today, Elora's page is practically a daily source.

    If this is a 2-sided issue, where is the evidence that we are just as bad ?? Anton once posted an image of me saying, and I quote...

    "WWII is a pathetic excuse for anyone to suffer your bigotry and intolerance to begin with.
    But considering we all know you weren't even alive at the time, it just makes you look even more like an insufferable cunt"

    ... and that's supposed to be the proof that we are "extremists" just like the ones who want to murder, kidnap, assault, torture, wish death upon, etc. that have regularly shown their true colors on FOJ and elsewhere.See More
    Yesterday at 4:21pm · LikeUnlike
    Tricia Wiles Steve, I understand... but isnt it worthwhile? I know how I felt about things but it didnt take me all that long to see a different approach was needed, maybe because I am looking for a solution to the issues: and accept a totalitarian one wont be found - or last. I think its important to know that many people dont come to these issues because of or for SSCS, again in my experience, they had SFA to do with my feelings about wildlife slaughter.
    Yesterday at 4:22pm · LikeUnlike
    Tricia Wiles Neill, people are fighting - at poles with each other in attitudes no? Thats two sides. Thats what I mean. As I said, my thoughts are not exclusive & appreciating how things seem was valuable for me at least in doing what *I* can to help others gain that appreciation. Things are not always as they seem, in my experience. I have to go for a while, take care.
    Yesterday at 4:27pm · LikeUnlike
    Steve Thorne
    Is what worthwhile? If you mean presenting the truth, then absolutely; yes. Being threatened and cussed at by ARAs is not a new phenomenon to me. I grew up with that shit and it always annoyed me. Especially the stupid and savage parts.... They were too dumb to know what they were talking about and acted in a manner which was more savage than anything I have experienced hunting.

    We reached out to groups like IFAW in the beginning. If improvements were needed our people were willing. Anne Meike Roelle brokered a deal as an IFAW rep. IFAW was offered a seat along with sealers in dealing with DFO. When she brought back the proposal. They fired her. There is, fortunately, only one side of extremists in these debates. The ARA side.See More
    Yesterday at 4:29pm · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...

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    Neill Blake Glover
    ‎"at poles with each other in attitudes no? Thats two sides"

    If you mean
    - one side that throws a few insults around,
    - and another side that threatens violence, looks up people's personal information, wishes death upon them, spreads nasty r...umors about them, stalks their friends lists --- and that's just what they do to those of us who speak up on Facebook

    ... then sure.See More
    Yesterday at 4:30pm · LikeUnlike
    Steve Thorne

    "I should add that others, including some environmentalists, have also taken issue with the IFAW. One of participants in the film, Annemeike Roell, is a former employee of the IFAW who has since com...e forward to criticise Davies and the way he attacked the hunters. When she started working with IFAW, she accepted the standard line that sealers and their families were barbarians, but once she actually entered into contact with the communities in question, she began to see things in a new light. She and my cousin Garry, came up with a plan for a sustainable hunt, setting quotas and so on. But when Annemeike brought this plan back to the IFAW, she was promptly fired. The suspicion is that the IFAW has never been genuinely interested in issues relating to sustainability or responsible hunting. Their whole existence is based on their anti-hunt campaign. The baby seal is their poster child - and the hunter is their villain. Strangely enough it is the IFAW who profits the most from the seal hunt, the industry itself being worth a fraction of what they take in as a result of their protest."See More
    Yesterday at 4:37pm · UnlikeLike · 2 peopleYou and Jeff W. Higdon like this.
    Tricia Wiles
    Yes thats what I mean by 'sides'. I have been parodied, slandered, had my private business attacked, received numerous threatening emails & 'love letters' so I assure you the problem is categorically not one-'sided'. Remember regardless of ...individual's 'side' they too are speaking on facebook.

    I am simply saying things are not always as they seem - that is also a two way street. When I first came to the whaling issue many on this 'side' 'seemed' to be pro-whaling. In time I realised many are antiwhaling but devout anti-sscs. That small thing alone allowed one of many shifts in understanding & thinking. In turn the whys of that have also cleared from the fog. The greatly decreased use of fake profiles to 'troll' made a big difference too (to me). I have not changed 'sides' but with what I know now, I think differently about many things than I did a year ago. Ironically enough, my thoughts have effectively gone full circle, SSCS rejected, Whale Wars despised only a year ago I knew SFA about either. SSCS groupies & 'ordinary' people are not the necessarily same.

    I think these issues will exist right up until the day there is nothing left to fight over but information will minimise that & with any luck resolve some of these issues & improve information sharing effectivity. Things are just not always as they seem - to you of others, others of SSCS, SSCS of the issue etc. Perspective is reality, so with more information perspectives can shift.

    Anyways, all I'm saying is things are not always as they seem. Cheers.See More
    22 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Lucy Flywheel The majority of the people here and in every other group are anti- Sea Sheep for good reasons.

    @ Tricia-one day you will be too....
    22 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading...

  5. #
    Carrie Vore I've seen tricia telling people
    off for using words like 'jap' on FOJ
    22 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Lucy Flywheel Watson would stomp Tricia into the group if she got in between him and his favorite burger joint.

    Has nobody ever noticed that Watson has no long term friends?
    22 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading...
    Neill Blake Glover ‎"so I assure you the problem is categorically not one-'sided"

    I'm sure.
    Would these be like the mythical phone calls Gabe claims to have received ?
    22 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Neill Blake Glover
    In the past couple of months, yes.
    FOJ is ultimately very defensive and quick to cover things up.
    Take the near-empty never-used "Fuck off Iceland" and "Fuck off Norway" pages they made as an attempt to claim it's not just about Japan.... Of course last time I visited FOIceland, they had a total of 4 posts for the entire month of November.See More
    22 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Lucy Flywheel As so many of the Sea Sheep see the whaling as only done in the southern oceans, you should see a drop off of support as well as the donations.
    22 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personLoading...
    Tricia Wiles
    The upset at identity of one nation whaling in the sanctuary (recognised or not) shouldnt be allowed to harbour genuine racism. Stereotype & racism are different, it occurred to me a while back:
    Be careful of your thoughts, for your thoughts... become your words.
    Be careful of your words, for your words become your actions.
    Be careful of your actions, for your actions become your habits.
    Be careful of your habits, for your habits become your character.
    Be careful of your character, for your character becomes your destiny

    I AM anti SSCS, not to the degree you are, but for my own experiences & witness. Again, its more information, knowledge that shifted my thinking of things & seeing not how things were for me, but how they seemed to you. I want SSCS to wake the hell up & start behaving as 'ordinary' people expect & rightly anticipate a wildlife conservation group should - with honour, integrity & transparency. And stop exploiting whale deaths for Wilsons bloody TV show. David Attenborogh knows how to film for education & conservation & Wilson falls well short... Its been a huge jigsaw puzzle for me & its hard working towards a complete picture when all the pieces are from different puzzles.

    Neill, again its lack of information, of which broader media is also responsible. I didnt know ANY nation still whaled until I knew.See More
    22 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Lucy Flywheel
    When the animal right groups announced the Canadian seal hunt was over ( when Europe banned the sales), donations dropped way off. It took 3 years to even begin to convince people that the seal hunt never did end.

    None of this has to be real..., it only has to be preseved as real.See More
    22 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 2 peopleLoading...

  6. Jeff W. Higdon I've always wondered why the AR groups are so up in arms about the Canadian seal hunt but yet keep so quiet about the EU killing, and completely wasting, seals for "conservation purposes".
    21 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Peter J Testa
    You're talking out of both sides of your mouth, Tricia. You want people to be less inflammatory on the issue, yet you constantly refer to Japan as whaling in a sanctuary. A sanctuary that Japan lodged and had recognized an objection to. ...A sanctuary that is overridden by article VIII of the ICRW. Or perhaps you were referring to Australia's alleged sanctuary, which like their Antarctic land claim and adjacent EEZ claim, is unrecognized by about 190 other nations besides Japan.

    Everything about Japan's whaling is honest, open, legal and above board, but you continue to make it sound like they are violating some sacred place. Try and get your own house in order before you tell others how to manage theirs.See More
    21 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Tricia Wiles
    I'm not telling anyone how to manage anything, I am discussing my experiences in context to the post, including having my personal business attacked offline, Peter, so lets not be silly OK.

    Peter, as clarified, that is 'what people' know it, & acknowledged as 'recognised or not'. If whenever the reference to the area is going to require links & articles etc to placate what you think I think the legalities of area are maybe we should just move on. You can say "sanctuary", why cant I? Why do you & I HAVE to expand 'recognised or not sanctuary' to A sanctuary that Japan lodged and had recognized an objection to.A sanctuary that is overridden by article VIII of the ICRW" Sounds like you want to quibble over your use of "alleged" over my use of "recognised or not" To many it IS a sacred place Peter... How about you decide what impartial word you want people to use.See More
    21 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Peter J Testa
    You're asking people to tone down the nastiness, but you're not willing to tone down the inflammatory rhetoric. The Antarctic Ocean is a sacred place to many? Bullshit. The only reason people are even aware of the 'sanctuary' there is be...cause Watson and others like him have been running around for years telling the lie that the Japanese are illegally poaching whales in a sanctuary. How many times have you seen people go on about Japan not understanding the meaning if the word sanctuary? The truth is they're the ones who don't understand that in this case the term is not being used to describe an inviolate preserve, but is rather a term in a legal document where it has nuanced meaning and various levels of applicability. And why do they musunderstand? Because people like Watson and you continue to use the term, knowing full well that the common understanding of the term is not at all applicable in this case.See More
    19 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Tricia Wiles
    I'm not asking anyone to do anything Peter - I stated that when it occurs it is conducive to improved information conveying which promotes better interpersonal relationships & understanding of problems associated with ths issue. I am really... quite surprised you are tacking exception to that simple & rather obvious statement.

    Again, Peter please provide us all with a word that does not offend you but still identifies the region when referred to in future discussions.See More
    19 hours ago · LikeUnlike

  7. Peter J Testa
    OK fine, you're not asking anyone to do anything. You're making a lot of noise about improving communication and understanding. I've given you credit several times over the past several months for speaking out against bigotry and hate-mon...gering. It doesn't seem to occur to you that most of that grows out of the lies, misinformation and emotion-laden rhetoric that is designed to outrage people and engender a visceral response. You're treating the symptoms and ignoring the disease.

    As for a term to refer to where the Japanese are whaling, 'the Antarctic Ocean' seems more than sufficient. Nothing positive is gained by using an easily misunderstood term that does not even apply to Japanese whaling activity.See More
    18 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
    Atsokan Wilson You can continue to call it a sanctuary; that isn't the problem. The problem as I've seen it, is that those anti-whalers who ask me what I don't understand about the word 'sanctuary' are really the ones who do not understand what sanctuary means in terms of the convention that created that sanctuary. I know full well what the SOWS is, what is permitted and when, who has objections to what species in the sanctuary, and that it was created without the required scientific necessity.
    18 hours ago · UnlikeLike · 1 personLoading...
    Tricia Wiles
    Peter it doesnt seem to occur to you that that is precisely what I am trying to address & its no easy task, I am but one person. I wonder why you would seem to criticise your deemed shortfalls - after all you know infinately more than I do ...about the issue & topics, & I am actually not source or cause of the problem & remember Peter, I have been targetted by plenty of hate-mongering myself. But then I did already say things are not always as they seem... Not sure why I am supposed to "treat the disease" & with head smacks from you for not doing it to people's unbeknown individual measure. Thank you for your suggestion I will endeavour to use 'the Antarctic Ocean forwith.See More
    18 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Jamie McCroskey this brought Andy out from where ever he hangs? I never understand that guy
    18 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Neill Blake Glover ‎"I have been targetted by plenty of hate-mongering myself"

    Not by any of us... o.O
    18 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Peter J Testa Oh, I get it now, you're going with reverse psychology . . . fighting misinformation by propagating it. =/
    18 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Tricia Wiles I tell you what Peter you fix it on your own hon.
    Neill, dont bet your life on it...
    17 hours ago · LikeUnlike

  8. #
    Neill Blake Glover
    General consensus seems to be that I'm the "craziest hard-line" pro-whaler around.
    And I know I haven't done anything.
    Worst I've done to you is accuse you of being Donovan on a page whose only purpose was to sling mud in both directions; and... I think we all had a few good laughs at the cheap entertainment.
    And I haven't done any worse to anyone else.
    So excuse me if I don't treat the "my business was targeted" thing with extreme skepticism. Gabe similarly accused me of calling his house. Hell, I don't even know where Gabe lives or what his real name is (Gabe, Eric, Davey, Victor...) -- nor do I care.
    One of the SS crazies once posted what they claimed was their own address on Stop SS Violence, inviting people to come face them... I happened to see it within minutes (notifications work for once), deleted it, and advised them not to post their - or anyone else's - information.
    Nor have I ever seen plans by anyone to attack somebody. The worst I've ever seen along those lines was some of Varina's vile comments posted on an "asshole of the week" website.

    We tend to deal with our "outrage" using humor and parody 'round these parts. Not flying off the handle threatening to kill them, nuke their country, wishing Hg poisoning on them, wanting to torture them, and outside of unconfirmed claims from questionable sources with something to prove I've never heard of anyone taking it offline.See More
    17 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Tricia Wiles
    Neill you can can consider it how you wish, I simply said 'dont bet your life on it' & nor should you : ) Dealing with "outrage using humor and parody" is something all humans do (!) & yes there are laughs to be had, on both 'sides' but che...ap entertainment shouldnt be West style "fun" at another human being's detriment- I dont think thats unreasonable. People vent, some well, some very poorly but we all agree dumb shit by the likes of Varina (she's asshole of the week) etc is not on regardless of what 'side' it comes from & is counterproductive... It may even be quite damaging, we dont know what hardships people have got going on in life. I dont think the benefits of *treating* people respectfully even if you personally 'dont like' them (which should be irrelevant) can be denied. I for one am more recptive to information when I'm not flat out warding off personal attacks & the like!See More
    17 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Neill Blake Glover
    A. It's not about how I "consider" it. I'm just pointing out that it's not very surprising, on a thread showcasing the daily vile remarks and threats from SS, that somebody comes in with an unsubstantiated claim that they've received some k...ind of abuse from us.
    That seems like textbook PR ploy to me -- and if there is one thing SS gets, it's how to play the PR game and muddy the water where there really isn't any mud.

    B. The incidents and page aforementioned was entirely a two-way event. We all got as good as we gave in the insults department and it was no worse than any internet forum with sporting rivalry.

    C. Not all people do agree the likes of Varina are overboard. She wasn't dropped like a bad habit from SS pages for being racist; I've seen many worse comments from others.
    She was dropped because she didn't deny being a racist.See More
    16 hours ago · LikeUnlike

  9. #
    Neill Blake Glover
    As my blog states, several NGOs feed off this kind of hate rhetoric. They profit from it and it's part of their paradigm. This is even more accented in a group like SS which relies on fomenting racism and hatred in order to get people to co...mmit acts of violence ("direct action") and media attention.
    Not everyone in SS is racist. Before Watson's recent blog entry where he attributed the "social development" of Japanese to Western society, I didn't think he was actually racist. Just a misanthrope who profited off of hate.
    But everyone in SS is a bigot. And the hate rhetoric is an integral part of the organization. Without it, they would not survive. There would be no volunteers to assault Japanese, their actions would be condemned as illegal thuggery that they are, and they would thus never keep the media's attention.
    It is very disheartening that media outlets are willing to feed into this hatred. Especially allegedly "liberal" free-thought types. It really does go to show that neither side of politics is free from fanaticism, demagogy, totalitarianism, or yes -- racism.See More
    16 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Tricia Wiles
    I am not SSCS & dont participate on any SSCS pages (WWU1 doesnt count LOL) & I'm not citing the abuse - or parody, belittleing, etc - I have received as justification for anyone else repeating such things. Its not an accusation, just a simp...le statment that the point I am trying to make is that in the absence of such activities information is better shared. While I quite like a well delivered insult, the cause & effect I witnessed against others (from both 'sides') & experienced personally (from both 'sides') determined that I actively chose to avoid it. Its simply not part of what I want in my life so please dont lump me in with SSCS attitudes just because I wish whaling didnt happen. In short all I'm saying is for the timeframe in which that sort of malice against me has been greatly reduced I have been far more able to take on topics around the issues. So in turn I guess, thanks. I did enjoy finally handing Varina her "ass on a plate" though :DSee More
    16 hours ago · LikeUnlike
    Tricia Wiles I think overcoming the SSCS rhetoric will take a long time but worth trying to do properly. Yes its exploitive of 'orinary' people's outrage at whaling, & getting infiormation across is fundamental in change. Wont change everyone, but if it changes enough, it will be enough to bring about change :)
    16 hours ago · LikeUnlike · 1 personTimothy Hodson likes this.

  10. Racism, bigotry blah blah blah and I thought Japanese didn't speak wokeness. Trying to play victim to the people who play victim. Justifying hate and bias to fight another hate. Being an agenda's barking dog just for the sake of it. Go back to your lands, you're lost snow ape.
